
We’ve worked to turn the generous contributions we receive towards programs such as these.

Find out more about our scholarship. We’re excited to do our part for our community’s future.


The HDSA Scholarship

Shop with a Hero - December 2022

Shop with a Hero started as “Shop with a Cop”. Teller County’s Deputies volunteered on their time off to shop with underprivileged children to buy Christmas gifts for their families. The HDSA raised the funds for these children to spend and administered the event. We had so much good will that soon we had first responders from most of Teller County’s organizations volunteering their time off to participate. The name was eventually changed to “Shop with a Hero”, and since then we’ve had participation from all of the county’s fire districts, the police of Woodland Park, Cripple Creek and Green Mountain Falls, Colorado State Patrol, our county’s emergency medical first responders, USDA Law Enforcement, Colorado Division of Gaming, the Park County Sheriff’s Office, and of course the TCSO Sheriff, senior staff, and deputies.

If you are from a state or federal agency and would like to join us in escorting our county’s children in buying gifts, please reach out to us using the button below…

BearCat Refurbishment

The BearCat is vital in the safe transport of tactical law enforcement teams into dangerous and hostile environments. The HDSA is proud to have been the focal point for the incoming funds to refurbish this indispensable vehicle and help ensure its continued deployment well into the future.